We are frequently asked about tropical diseases in Southern Africa. This is an important question relating to travel planning, especially in summer. Malaria and Bilharzia are the more important ones to consider. The former everyone has heard of, and is a major problem in Africa, since it is becoming drug resistant. Bilharzia occurs in rivers and lakes in most or the warmer parts of the continent.
For your guidance, if one draws a line from Durban on the east coast, to Pretoria and then across to the Orange River mouth on the west coast, no Milaria or Bilharzia can be expected south of this border. Travel to areas such as Kruger Park, Botswana and Namibia should be done after taking precautions recommended by your medical travel specialists. You should advise them that you will be undertaking gliding during your visit to the continent.
The GOOD NEWS is that Gariep is totally free of these scourges. So is Johannesburg and other beautiful holiday destinations in South Africa such as Cape Town, the Southern Cape Coast and the spectacular scenery of the Drakensberg Mountains, all within a day’s drive of Gariep.
All that you need at Gariep is plenty of drinking water (the municipal water from the tap, is the finest in the country), high factor sun block and a hat.…